Your resolve must be to be happy and harbor within no pain. When you resent another you weaken in your resolve to be happy. It is never the fault of another that traps you in is when you expect another to make you happy that you break your own resolve. Rise above all pettiness not depend on another for anything...........and forgive those that come in the way of your resolve to be happy. To be happy must be your fear must come in the way of your resolve. Be strong.............god himself assigns you your everyday task.............accept every call of duty graciously............ There are some you cannot make not resent your efforts toward them.............keep doing the best you can and do not forget your resolve to be happy even after you have failed in giving the other the strength of inner joy. Live by the highest not look for another s appreciation of your efforts..........continue to be selfless and expect no gratitude and reward for what you do. To be happy always is the peaceful way of life. The joy in your eyes and the silence in your speech shall exude the perfection of patience and shall give those that have placed their faith in your ideals the way to peace.................. Those that are closest to you shall test your resolve. You shall draw them closer to god by the ideals you live by..............and you shall not expect them to understand your strength. They shall understand when god has willed and you have been the perfect peaceful example........... Live a life in prayer............speak to god moment to long as you remember him in all that you do your resolve to be happy shall come to life..............thank him for all that he sends your way.............thank him for his presence and grace at every moment..................thank him for being your friend...............and realize that to be happy you have to give your heart to have to love the love that he fills you with................and it is that love that keeps you content and makes you see all that comes as his gift............ |